Art about & for Elgin, Illinois

Parks & Rec 20th Anniversary


Elgin Parks & Recreation 20th Year Anniversary

This year, 2022, The Edward Schock Centre of Elgin turns 20 years old! After a long two years of disruption due to the pandemic, the Elgin Parks & Recreation Department wanted to reintroduce the joy of Elgin's parks & recreation opportunities to the community. The Gin had the honor of working with Parks & Rec to create eye catching, community centered graphics to let Elgin know it’s time to come back & have some fun!


20th Anniversary logos were created to help mark the celebration events & to reengage the community around what The Centre & Parks & Rec Dept had to offer.

Come & Have Some Fun!

If you live in Elgin, you likely received this postcard detailing special events throughout the year.

Take a drive down Symphony Way & see these fun new banners flying tall.